søndag 19. desember 2010

Task 4

1. 9/11
2. The Second World War
3. The death of Michael Jackson
4. The day the car was invented
5. The ice age
6. The bulding of the pyramids
7. The day the plane was invented
8. The tsunami in Thailand
9. The earthquake in Haiti
10. When Barack Obama became president

This date is a very known date worldwide, because of the two hijacked planes that crashed in to the Twin Towers (World Trade Center) in New York City. This effected the whole planet, because of all the people who died and because of all the chaos and drama that was caused when it happened. And of course, when presiden George Bush declared war agains Afghanistan.

The Second World War:
Hitler was a huge threat all over the world, and his way of "ruling" was very brutal, because he wanted to "cleanse" the world, by killing all the jews. He attacked several countries with his huge army, and started killing jews in the most brutal ways. He was a heartless, and very intellegent man, and he killed himself in 1945.

The death of Michael Jackson:
The day Michael Jackson died, half of the planets population bursted into tears. As he was the most, probably, famous and gifted popstar in the world, a lot of people love both him and his music, so this death caused a lot of sadness worldwide.

The day the car was invented:
This day was a revolutional day. At that time, no one probably knew how much the car was going to affect our lifes. Back then, only the most rich people could afford a car. And there was not a lot of cars to choose between. Now, we have A LOT of brands to choose in, and the price is VERY variable! Almost everyone with some kind of job can afford one. But you must have a licence to drive, and that also costs money ;)

The Ice Age:
A lot of the world was covered in ice, and the dinasoures died.

The building of the Pyramids:
The reason that I chose this is because of the HUGE constructions that were built only with human force. How in the world was this possible? I've read that they have tried to copy an ancient pyramid with modern technolagy and machines, but they didn't manage to do it. The way it is built is just unbelievable.

The day the plane was invented: 
This day is also revolutional. Planes are extremely important now adays, becuase of their high speed, and that they fly. This is really effective, compared to busses, cars, trains and boats. But causes a lot more environmental issues.

The tsunami in Thailand:
This was a tragic nature catastrophy. Many people died, a lot of land was ruined and a lot of buildings and homes.

The earthquake in Haiti:
This was also a tragic nature catastrophy, since a lot of people died and a lot of things like land and buldings was ruined.

When Barack Obama became president:
This is a quite fun happening, since he promised a lot of stuff BEFORE he was chosen to become the next president of the United States. And he can't keep all of his promises, which is rediculous. And he is the first black president.

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