fredag 17. september 2010

Task 1

My expections of this course is to be better in English. I honestly dunno why I wanna be better at speaking English, since I can speak English quite good, specially compared to the grammar part, but I guess it's a good skill when it comes to traveling and studying in other countries.

I know that I need to be quite good at speaking English, since I plan on going on a backpacking trip to America. I really don't know WHEN, but I know I'm going! And since I'm going to America, it would be rather handy to know how to speak good English.

My future plans, when it comes to education and work, is that I really don't have any plans. In the beginning it was really all about computers and electronics and stuff like that, but I kinda found out that I'm not that into it as I thought i was. The only thing I really wanna do is travel. Even though I haven't travelled a lot in my life, I'm still really into it. When I read stories about people who live like backpackers, I get soooo inspired! I could defenitly live like that! On the move all the time, being at all the places around the world. Would be awesome!