tirsdag 9. november 2010

Task 2


Here is are some rather strange, and maybe fun, facts about Australia:
  • Australian mines ( wich is one of the most important industries in Australia) cover 0.02% of Australia's land mass. More land is covered by pubs.
  • In 1954 Bob Hawke made it into the Guinness Record Book by drinking 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds. Bob Hawke went on to become the Prime Minister of Australia.
  • There are over 1500 species of spiders, over 6000 species of flies, 4000 species of ants and about 350 species of termites in Australia.
  • Termites are also called white ants, but they're not ants, in fact not even closely related to ants.
  • Tasmania, in Australia, has the cleanest air in the world
  • Melbourne, in Australia, has the second largest Greek population in the world, after Athens.
  • The Great Barrier Reef is the largest organic construction on earth.
  • Termite mounds are the tallest non-human constructions on earth.
  • The average Australian will consume 165,000 eggs in his or her lifetime.

I found all these facts on different websites about Australian facts/fun facts. I found A LOT more facts, but I didn't think they were to unusual, or to strange.